The following people were present at the workshop.
- Stephanie August, Loyola Marymount U.
- Paolo Burelli, ITU Copenhagen
- Marc Cavazza, Teeside U.
- Sherol Chen, UC Santa Cruz
- Miguel Encarnacao, Humana, Inc.
- Douglas Fisher, NSF
- Arno Hartholt, USC Institute for Creative Technologies
- Charles Isbell, Georgia Tech
- Philippe Jegou, LSIS UMR CNRS
- Arnav Jhala, UC Santa Cruz
- Benn Konsynski, Emory U.
- Tze-Yun Leong, National University of Singapore
- Albert Li, Georgia Tech
- Brian Magerko, Georgia Tech
- Mary Lou Maher, U. Sydney
- Joe Marks, Disney Research
- Shelly Nason, Applied Systems Intelligence
- Mark Nelson, UC Santa Cruz
- Jeff Orkin, MIT Media Lab
- Ashwin Ram, Georgia Tech
- Mark Riedl, Georgia Tech
- Adam Smith, UC Santa Cruz
- Bob Sottilare, US Army RDECOM STTC
- Gennedy Staskevich, Air Force Research Lab
- Masashi Sugiyama, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Sheila Tejada, NYU
- David Thue, U. of Alberta
- Lisa Torrey, St. Lawrence U.
- Joel Veness, UNSW
- Michael Young, NCSU
- Michael Youngblood, UNC Charlotte
- Chih-han Yu, Harvard U./Plaxie Inc.
- Peng Zhou, Georgia Tech